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Fellowship & Hospitality

These ministries are concerned with finding a sense of community, welcoming, and support within Seton Parish.  Some spiritual gifts seen in these ministries are:

Hospitality - A concern for the comfort of others may be a manifestation of the gift of hospitality. This gift involves having a welcoming spirit, having a knack for setting people at ease, and enjoying being in the presence of strangers.

Encouragement - Empowered by the Holy Spirit, some people are called to stand beside other people who are in need and bring comfort, counsel, and encouragement so they feel helped. To exercise the gift of encouragement is to call forth the best from others. This gift involves helping others to be more dedicated in living out their faith, bolstering them up when they are discouraged or downhearted, and challenging them to see the goals to which God calls them.


Evangelization & Discipleship

These ministries are concerned with both living and communicating our faith into our parish and community.  Some spiritual gifts seen in these ministries are:

Discipleship - To exercise the gift of discipleship is to perceive and accept God's call to lead others in their spirituality, and to be instrumental in acknowledging God's grace and authority in the life of the Church. This gift involves being able to lead others wisely and compassionately and training others in spiritual matters. Discipleship includes a combination of wisdom, discernment, leadership and teaching.

Evangelization - The Holy Spirit enables individuals to share the Gospel with others in such a way that they come to know God. To exercise the gift of evangelism is to share one's faith within and beyond the parish. This gift involves an unabashed willingness to share the Good News and one’s personal faith journey. 

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These ministries are concerned with providing direct involvement with the Liturgy or direct prayer life.  Some spiritual gifts seen in these ministries are:

Prophet - The Holy Spirit empowers some individuals to interpret and apply God's revelation in a given situation. This gift involves a keen sense of the dignity of all people, a sense of call, a sense of timing, and some knowledge of Scripture and Church teachings. 

Musicianship - The Holy Spirit enables some to praise God through various forms of music and enhance the worship experience of the parish community. To exercise the gift of music may involve some skill in singing or in playing an instrument but may also include the ability to select appropriate music for a worship service or parish event or program.



These ministries are concerned with directly serving the various needs of Seton Parish itself.  Some spiritual gifts seen in these ministries are:

Servant Leadership - The gift of servant leadership allows individuals to assume responsibility for the leadership and guidance of a group within the Church. It includes leading, facilitating, counseling, and providing a pastoral presence for various parish programs.

Generosity - The Holy Spirit enables people to offer energies, abilities, and material resources for the work of the church with exceptional willingness, cheerfulness, and generosity. To exercise the gift of giving one operates out of a spirit of selflessness, requiring no recognition or reward for the giving. This gift involves offering one's time, talent, and treasure.


Service & Outreach

These ministries are concerned with serving those tangible and spiritual needs of our community outside of the walls of Seton Parish.  Some spiritual gifts seen in these ministries are:

Service - To exercise the gift of service is to identify closely with the needs and problems of others, not to provide answers or solutions, but to work with them willingly, no matter how small or how big the task may be. This gift involves a willingness to "pitch in" and do whatever is needed, no matter how detailed or tedious the task.

Mercy - The Holy Spirit provides individuals with exceptional empathy and compassion for those who are weak or suffering so that they can devote large amounts of time and energy to alleviate these conditions. To exercise the gift of mercy is to relate to others in kindness and compassion. This gift involves continual readiness to forgive those who have erred, comfort the bereaved, help those who face a crisis, minister to the sick, become a peacemaker, or offer assistance to those in need.