About Scripture Study

Scripture Study group meets on Thursday mornings mornings to read and discuss the Old Testament reading, the psalm response, the epistle from the New Testament, and the Gospel selections for the upcoming Sunday’s Liturgy of the Word at Mass. We examine the readings and discuss what they mean, what touches us, how we see their relevance to our lives, and seek clarification where there are questions. All are encouraged to share and comment in a relaxed atmosphere where we become friends and welcome new faces, some of whom are not Catholic. 

Latest Study Guide

The Art and Reflection guide posted each week offers background and artwork for the upcoming weekend readings for Mass to inspire thought, understanding, and meditation.

More Detail

The Scriptures for Sunday Mass are arranged in a three year cycle, which begins on the first Sunday in Advent: year A is Matthew, B is Mark, and C is Luke. The Gospel of John is read every year in Lent, Easter, 2nd Sunday of the year, and on six Sundays of the Marcan cycle (Mark’s Gospel being the shortest). We look at the connections among the readings and appreciate the elegant design. The study group marvels that no matter how many times we have been through the cycles, there is always new insight or new perspective, because each time we meet the Scripture, we are different people. Each time we encounter the Scripture, we have new life experiences to bring to our reading, understanding, and sharing. If one has struggled with a particular parable or text before, seeing it through someone else’s eyes can bring comforting clarity. The “AHA!” moments are priceless. 

The group is informal; people come and go as schedules allow. In addition, we practice what St. Paul instructs: “Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, as indeed you do” (1 Thes 5:11). We offer prayers for intentions made known among us, for our families, friends, world dilemmas, or any further concerns we may have. 

One other blessing comes of meeting as we do. Mass on Saturday evening or Sunday morning is richer for having spent time with the Scripture we hear because we have already prepared the soil of our hearts to receive it. We listen more attentively, and homilies mean more. 

Scripture Study is not an intensive, formal study, but rather an opportunity to encounter Scripture and notice where its lessons are for our lives.


Have Questions?

Do you have questions or comments about scripture study?  Please contact Debbie Clegg for additional information.