About Respect Life

The Respect Life Committee is a group of dedicated individuals with a single common goal:  to respect all human life from conception to natural death.  

Throughout the year we fulfill this mission by collecting clothing baby clothing and delivering it to Pregnancy Decision Health Centers, providing educational information in the bulletin, conducting baby showers, and supporting pro-life aspects of other ministries.  

In addition, we have special objectives in various months throughout the year:

October:  Respect life month where we participate in 40 Days for Life, sponsor a Holy Hour for Life, and increase understanding and visibility through bulletin information and providing educational materials in Herrmann Hall

November: Make blankets and distribute them through social services in time for children to have them at Christmas

December: Sing Christmas carols at a local nursing home

January:  On the Sunday closest to the Roe v Wade Anniversary (January 22), we pray the candle prayer for life at all Masses.  We conduct a Holy Hour for life.  We often help with a trip to Washington, DC, for the March for Life where our goal is to encourage the Seton youth to attend the march. The last two years we have promoted the diocesan events for the anniversary of Roe v Wade.

February - March: during Lent we collect baby clothes for Pregnancy Decision Health Centers and participate in the Spring 40 Days for Life.

April - May: We visit the nursing home and bring flowers. This is usually between Mother's Day and Father's Day. This month we also celebrate with a pizza party for members.

By joining our group you will grow in your faith by learning about the Catholic Church's stance on life issues, helping others in need, and learning about the legislative changes affecting the vulnerable of our society. 

We meet once a month during the school year, usually the first week of the month.  We welcome new members with open arms, always looking for people who have a loving heart.  Please consider joining us to make a tangible difference in our parish, our community, and our world.

40 Days For Life

Our entire Church will be participating in the 40 Days for Life through November 1 where we are praying that this effort will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in America.

The Columbus vigil will be held at Planned Parenthood, 3255 E Main St, Columbus, OH 43213

Seton Parish has adopted, Wednesday, October 28 from 7am until 7pm. We are asking that a minimum of two volunteers sign up to pray on the sidewalk at the clinic for each hour-long shift.

Please sign up by calling or contacting Vicki Chinnock at 740-927-5099.

If you cannot pray at the clinic on our adopted day, you are still welcome to volunteer for another time during the 40 Days Campaign.

To sign up for a different day, visit the website at http://www.40daysforlife.com/columbus

This is an outdoor prayer witness. You may wear a face mask. If you feel unable to participate, please take some time to pray for an end to abortion.



Interested in Joining?

If you would like to join or have further questions about the Respect Life Commission, please contact Vicki Chinnock.

Looking for More?

Are you interested in other evangelization and discipleship ministry opportunities at Seton?