About Seton Prayer Chain

When you sign up for the Seton Prayer Chain you will receive a periodic email that contains prayer intentions from fellow parishioners.  Your only responsibility is to take a few moments and pray for those people.  This is the easiest ministry you can be a part of -- no meetings, no time away from your family -- however, your prayers are of immense importance.

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Prayer Chain History by Pat Gray

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Prayer Chain was first started in November 1990 by Joan Marie Trainer and Pat Gray.  Joan thought it was a good idea to start it because her niece Debbie was battling cancer at the time, and Joan felt a need to do something.  She felt a prayer chain would be a good way to help Debbie and her family.  Joan asked me if I would like to help her with it.  I said "yes" because I believe in the power of prayer so much.  I felt God was calling me to start this ministry with my good friend.  

Originally, it was a telephone chain, which started out with about 50 people divided into 6 groups with 8 to 9 people in each group.  Joan and I would call the leader of each group to start the chain. This method worked pretty well, but as time marched on people were starting to purchase home computers and getting email in their homes.  We decided to make it an email prayer chain around the year 2000.  We found this worked much better and was much easier for us.  

Unfortunately, my good friend Joan, passed away on February 27, 2012.  I miss her so much!  I have continued this prayer chain, and I can truly tell you I have received so many blessings in my life from this ministry.

It is said that God works in "mysterious ways" and He has certainly manifested this through the prayer requests offered on this prayer chain.  There are so many graces and blessings bestowed on everyone from these prayers.  The prayer chain brings faith, hope, love, comfort, and compassion to people dealing with illness, surgeries, loss of jobs, problems with children and even death.  When someone needs prayers for loved ones or even themselves, they know where to turn.  Be it the smallest or largest request, nothing is too insignificant or too huge for God to handle.  He knows what is best for us and gives us the strength and courage to handle the problems and situations in our lives if we place our trust in Him.  He will answer all prayers -- maybe not the way we think it should be -- but His Way, God's Way, if we only turn to Him.

We have had many prayers answered on the prayer chain:  two premature babies, a baby girl who only weighed 1 lb. 6 oz. and a baby boy who weighed 2 lb. survived and are doing well now at 3 years of age.  We all prayed very hard for these two little ones and God did answer our prayers.  We have prayed for several women who had breast cancer and they are doing very well now.  We have one young man that was hit by a train four months ago and is now recovering in a miraculous way to his doctor's amazement.  Last December, we had a man diagnosed with Stage IV cancer and hospice was called in.  Now he is doing great.

The power of prayer is marvelous and so wonderful when multiplied by all of the prayer chain members.  These are just some examples, but there are many others that I have not mentioned here.

Being a member of the Seton Prayer Chain is one of the easiest commissions you can be on.  No meetings, no time away from your family.  All you have to do is pray.  


Interested in Joining?

If you have further questions about the Seton Prayer Chain, please contact Pat Gray (740-927-1473).

Have a Prayer Intention?

If you have a prayer intention that you would like added to the prayer chain, it can be sent to Pat Gray.  It is fine to ask for it to be anonymized as well. 

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